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Displaying 37 to 48 (of 2798 products)
10034 - Ruined Greek Temple

10034 - Ruined Greek Temple

Round ruined greek temple with 6 pillars


10035 - Tavern Kitchen

10035 - Tavern Kitchen

Nice, cozy-looking kitchen, complete with a poor wee beastie roasting on a spit. Set of three resin models.


10038 - Treasure Piles

10038 - Treasure Piles

No adventure game would be complete without loot for your players. Heres piles of the stuff for the taking! Set of 5 resin models.


10039 - Sci-Fi Consoles

10039 - Sci-Fi Consoles

Futuristic computer consoles that would look good adorning the bridge of any spaceship. One console even has a user manual laid on top of the...


10040 - Sci-Fi Accessories

10040 - Sci-Fi Accessories

Lockers, a gun rack, a ladder to another level and a hatch to enhance the feel of your sci-fi games. Set of 4 resin models.


10041 - Sci-Fi APC

10041 - Sci-Fi APC

Small tracked vehicle with a turret-mounted weapon, for suppressing unrest with extreme prejudice. One resin model.


10042 - Burial Mound

10042 - Burial Mound

Burial mound complete with four menhirs, some of which have trophies/tributes on them. Set of five resin models.


10043 - Dungeon Windows

10043 - Dungeon Windows

Large, Gothic-looking arched windows. Set of three resin models.


10044 - Necromancer's Study

10044 - Necromancer's Study

One look tells you that the person who lives here is not of a very sociable disposition. Set of three resin models.


Displaying 37 to 48 (of 2798 products)

Scotia Grendel Productions
Hallgreen Castle
King David Drive
DD10 0PE
Telephone: +44 (0)1561 362 861

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