
Displaying 1 to 12 (of 74 products)
BS0001 - Vickers Medium MkII

BS0001 - Vickers Medium MkII

Vickers Medium MkII. Pack of 1 metal model.


BS0002 - A9 Cruiser

BS0002 - A9 Cruiser

A9 Cruiser. Pack of 1 metal model.


BS0003 - Mk-VIC Light Tank

BS0003 - Mk-VIC Light Tank

Mk-VIC Light Tank. Pack of 1 metal model.


BS0004 - Matilda Mk I

BS0004 - Matilda Mk I

Matilda Mk I. Pack of 1 metal model.


BS0005 Kapok infantry footbridge

BS0005 Kapok infantry footbridge

British Kapok infantry footbridge. Multiple packs can be combined to make longer bridges. Pack of 3 metal models - two footbridge sections and a...


BS0006 Churchill Mk I

BS0006 Churchill Mk I

BS0006 Churchill Mk I tank Pack of 1. These are 3D resin prints. This is the early model with the hull 3" Howitzer. Random turrets (one has open...


BS0007 Churchill Mk II

BS0007 Churchill Mk II

BS0007 Churchill Mk II tank Pack of 1. These are 3D resin prints. This is the early model with the hull 3" Howitzer removed and replaced with the...


BS0008 Churchill MK II CS turret 3” howitzer & hull 2pdr 1 model

BS0008 Churchill MK II CS turret 3” howitzer & hull 2pdr 1 model

BS0008 Churchill MK II CS turret 3” howitzer and hull 2 pdr. Pack of 1 model. These are 3D resin prints. Random turrets (one has open hatches one...


BS0009 Churchill MK III early turret short 6 pdr. pack of 1

BS0009 Churchill MK III early turret short 6 pdr. pack of 1

BS0009 Churchill MK III early turret short 6 pdr. Pack of 1 model. These are 3D resin prints. Random turrets (one has open hatches one closed)....


BS0010 Churchill MK III later turret short 6 pdr. Pack of 1

BS0010 Churchill MK III later turret short 6 pdr. Pack of 1

BS0010 Churchill MK III later turret short 6 pdr. Pack of 1 model. These are 3D resin prints. Random turrets (one has open hatches one closed)....


BS0011 Churchill MK III later turret long 6 pdr. Pack of 1

BS0011 Churchill MK III later turret long 6 pdr. Pack of 1

BS0011 Churchill MK III later turret long 6 pdr. pack of 1 model. These are 3D resin prints. Random turrets (one has open hatches one closed)....


BS0012 Churchill MK III Later welded turret with 75mm. pack of 1

BS0012 Churchill MK III Later welded turret with 75mm. pack of 1

BS0012 Churchill MK III Later welded turret with 75mm. pack of 1 model. These are 3D resin prints. original designer M Bergman


Displaying 1 to 12 (of 74 products)

Scotia Grendel Productions
Hallgreen Castle
King David Drive
DD10 0PE
Telephone: +44 (0)1561 362 861

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