28mm Fantasy Scenics

Resin scenics suitable for use in a fantasy setting. Although originally intended for 25mm scale models, some items can be used at 15mm (such as the standing stones).
Displaying 1 to 12 (of 112 products)
10001 - Stone Bridge

10001 - Stone Bridge

One resin bridge model. Sold unpainted. Suitable for multiple scales. Approx Dimensions 107mm x 50mm x 25mm


10003 - Portcullis

10003 - Portcullis

One resin one piece portcullis model. Sold unpainted. Suitable for multiple scales. Approx Dimensions 80mm x 80mm x 23mm


10004 - Unearthed Crypt

10004 - Unearthed Crypt

Dug up grave suitable for all sorts of periods and games. Pack of one resin model. Sold unpainted. Pack is made up of three separate pieces. Very...


10006 - Pub Snug

10006 - Pub Snug

A Cozy tavern nook, where shady dealings may take place, or opportunity could come knocking on a bold adventurer's door? One set of resin models.


10008 - Cyclops Gate

10008 - Cyclops Gate

One resin cyclopes doorway model. Sold unpainted. Suitable for multiple scales. Approx Dimensions (Width Hight Depth) 80mm x 75mm x 25mm


10010 - Skull Fountains

10010 - Skull Fountains

Macabre fountains. For a particularly evil touch, try painting them spewing forth blood, rather than water. Set of two resin models.


10012 - Dais

10012 - Dais

Raised stone dais, suitable for gloating "boss" villains to stand on whilst mocking or challenging your heroes. Set of six resin models, two each of...


10013 - Skull Gate and Altar

10013 - Skull Gate and Altar

Skull doorway and alter set suitable for all sorts of periods and games. Pack of two resin models. Sold unpainted. Pack is made up of two separate...


10015 - Demonic Altar

10015 - Demonic Altar

Demonic stone alter. Suitable for all sorts of periods and games. Pack of one resin model. Sold unpainted. Approx dimensions (length width height)...


10016 - Dragon Portal

10016 - Dragon Portal

Demonic or dragon doorway. One resin model. Sold unpainted. Suitable for multiple scales. Width height depth Approx Dimensions 85mm x 80mm x 25mm


Displaying 1 to 12 (of 112 products)

Scotia Grendel Productions
Hallgreen Castle
King David Drive
DD10 0PE
Telephone: +44 (0)1561 362 861

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