
All manner of dangerous beast, demon and elemental for your heroes to either ride into battle, summon or slay. Impressively large 28mm scale resin or resin/metal hybrid models.
Displaying 1 to 12 (of 18 products)
10026 - Rock Dragon

10026 - Rock Dragon

Pack of one small dragon peering around a broken standing stone made of resin. Model sold unpainted. Approx Dimensions (Length Hight Depth) 90mm x...


10031 - Dungeon Crawlers

10031 - Dungeon Crawlers

Giant centipede, leech and lizard models to compliment your dungeon. Three resin models 2 of each design for a total of 6 models. Models are sold...


10032 - The Guardian

10032 - The Guardian

Small dragon coiled around a standing stone. One resin model.


10049 - Dungeon Beasties

10049 - Dungeon Beasties

Naga/Medusa style creature and a giant scorpion. Two resin models, two of each design for a total of 4 monsters.


F0004 - Widows Lair

F0004 - Widows Lair

Giant spider diorama set. Spider, lair, cocooned victim and treasure pile. Resin models with metal spider legs.


F0013 - Hydra

F0013 - Hydra

Huge multi-headed Hydra monster with a snake-like body. One resin and metal model. 28mm figure shown for scale.


F0017 - Black Dragon

F0017 - Black Dragon

Dragon rearing backwards, preparing to swipe at someone with it's claw. One resin model.


F0019 - Fire Demon

F0019 - Fire Demon

Large demon, standing with arms folded, a fiery whip and sword tucked into his belt. One resin model.


F0033 - Black Orc Warbeasts

F0033 - Black Orc Warbeasts

Large reptilian beasts carrying seated riders in individual howdahs. Two resin models. The rider is separate so can be replaced by one of your own.


F0053 - Great Green Dragon

F0053 - Great Green Dragon

Dragon lying on its belly, with wings raised. One resin model.


F0059 - Wyvern's Eerie

F0059 - Wyvern's Eerie

Aaaaah. Mother love. A resin diorama set featuring a mother Wyvern caring for her chick.


F0063 - Lesser Goblin Wartowers

F0063 - Lesser Goblin Wartowers

Large reptilian warbeasts carrying wartowers literally crammed with small Goblins. Two resin models.


Displaying 1 to 12 (of 18 products)

Scotia Grendel Productions
Hallgreen Castle
King David Drive
DD10 0PE
Telephone: +44 (0)1561 362 861

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