Age of Tyrants - Junkers

Displaying 1 to 12 (of 22 products)
AoTJU001 - Tribune Secundus

AoTJU001 - Tribune Secundus

Tribune Secundus Command Tank. Pack of one resin model. Includes 50mm base


AoTJU002 - Tribune Tertia

AoTJU002 - Tribune Tertia

Pack of 12 metal Praetorians. Includes 50mm base


AoTJU003 - Octoris Falx

AoTJU003 - Octoris Falx

Octoris Falx - pack of one resin model. Includes 50mm base


AoTJU004 - Principes

AoTJU004 - Principes

Pack of 8 Legionaries, 4 Flamers, 1 Centurion, 1 Standard. includes 50mm base


AoTJU005 - Triari

AoTJU005 - Triari

Pack of 12 metal Triari. includes 50mm base


AoTJU006 - Armiger

AoTJU006 - Armiger

Pack of 6 heavy chain guns, and 12 crew figures. Metal models. includes 50mm base


AoTJU007 - Exo Suit Electus

AoTJU007 - Exo Suit Electus

Pack of 8 Exo-suits. Metal models. includes 50mm base


AoTJU008 - Nero CLAU

AoTJU008 - Nero CLAU

Pack of 2 Nero CLAUs, 8 Legionaries. Metal models. includes 50mm base


AoTJU009 - Scorpio CLAU

AoTJU009 - Scorpio CLAU

Pack of 2 Scorpio CLAUs, 8 Legionaries. Metal models. includes 50mm base


AoTJU010 - Sandrunners

AoTJU010 - Sandrunners

Pack of 6 Sandrunners. Metal models. includes 50mm base


AoTJU011 - Dune Raider

AoTJU011 - Dune Raider

Pack of 6 Dune Raider. Metal models. includes 50mm base


AoTJU012 - Venator

AoTJU012 - Venator

Pack of one resin model. Includes 50mm base


Displaying 1 to 12 (of 22 products)

Scotia Grendel Productions
Hallgreen Castle
King David Drive
DD10 0PE
Telephone: +44 (0)1561 362 861

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